Discovery of industrial information system

One study day to identify your industrial performance levers

Over the course of one training day, come and discover new shop floors computerization solutions and leave with concrete solutions, an action plan and a budget estimate for your industrial information systems and performance’s improvement.

Study of the considered functional scope, of the number of production sites to cover, distant site management, applications availability, integration with the management information system, allocation of roles between PLM, ERP, MES, Supervision: all those topics can be addressed during the study day.

Goal definition

2 experts

1 study of your industrial flows

1 action plan

Who is this program for?

The Understanding the scope and challenges of industrial information systems seminar is a daylong training course designed by two consulting companies specialized in industrial organization. The event aims at supporting enterprises in their reflection towards performance improvement. MES (Manufacturing Execution System) software enables industrial players to monitor equipment performance, workforce performance, material and energy consumption performance, and to control product quality at any time while ensuring their full traceability.

Information systems department


Homogeneous IT solution respecting integration standards
Digital continuity

Industrial Management


of a production monitoring software :
Tool combining management IT, industrial IT and operators
Ergonomic solution
Digital visual management

Industrial Maintenance


of a production monitoring software :
Centralization of data collected on the field
Information flow within teams
Preventive/curative/predictive maintenance

Software is becoming a major competitiveness and industrial performance issue. The seminar is structured as a day of work in small group (6 persons max). Each participant has to draft a preliminary work describing his or her main industrial problems. After introducing a few theoretical concepts, the speakers address in detail potential improvement axes related to the problems raised during the day.

Preliminary work :

  • Presentation of your company (activities, product, key figures)
  • Diagram of your industrial flows
  • Your three priorities in implementing a new solution

A practical workshop :

  • Study of your problems and industrial flows

Leave with an action plan

  • Description of your needs, prioritization, optimization, needed interfaces
  • Connection to production, measure and marking equipments
  • Planning and roadmap of your project
  • Change management / Lean management
  • Simulation of your project’s ROI / budget estimate

They attended the seminar

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