Comment Qubes a permis à GMP de mettre en place sa blockchain pour une transparence totale Grands Moulins de Paris a récemment lancé une nouvelle plateforme de marque avec une nouvelle identité graphique et une nouvelle signature : « un grain d’audace, un choix d’avenir ». L’entreprise met en avant ses trois engagements clés : […]

Shopfloor digital assistant (SDA) in the Industry
When digital technology assists operators and managers at the heart of the workshop to improve the productivity and competitiveness of an industrial company
The production workshop is the vital link of your industrial company
The production workshop is the vital link of your industrial company, because it is the creator of the added value on your product and thus the cradle of your performances.
The performances quantity / quality / yield / delay are based on 3 fundamental pillars which are :
- The ability of means and teams to install and continuously improve
- Standards and good practices, to be established and rigorously applied
- The steering and management to be developed, being the most difficult and demanding daily exercise.
Discover the solution SDA | Shopfloor digital assistant
A partnership was born between two experts to support manufacturers and help them take the step of a high value-added digital transformation. Creative IT, editor and integrator for more than 20 years of the M.E.S. Qubes solution (Manufacturing Execution System or Real Time Production Management), has joined forces with Kulminéo, expert in industrial performance through the deployment of best practices in the field and the development of human skills in operational activities.
Marc Jadot, CEO of Kulminéo and Richard Tinant, Sales Engineer at Creative IT, answer IT Shaker’s questions to understand how digital can be a performance lever for added value and people. The Factory of the Future is not the adoption of a facade technology but a real asset to help the French Industry in its quest for competitiveness.
Discover the exclusive interview with the creators of the SDA offer
Where is the Industry in its digital transformation?
With this offer, we want to respond to manufacturers who are lost in the hype around the Industry of the Future and wonder how to concretely implement technology within their plant to improve their production and not just justify that they are modernizing!
How is the SDA solution a performance lever for the workshop?
Performance is improved by the adoption of a technological tool at the heart of the workshop. Each operator can control his workstation by digitizing information and production flows, such as the management of work orders, the product nomenclature, or the operating mode for batch changes. Each workshop manager can monitor production progress and performance in real time, particularly the OEE of the lines. Each production manager can supervise the performance of his plant in real time.
Le PAD, c’est le digital qui porte l’information aux opérationnels pour mieux travailler. Le pilotage assisté par le digital, c’est la mise sous contrôle pour apporter la bonne information à la bonne personne au bon moment. Le PAD c’est comme transformer votre vélo classique en vélo à assistance électrique, vous allez plus vite, plus loin et plus haut !
Take advantage of the financing mechanisms
This KIT offer is referenced in the national catalog of Industry 4.0 solution providers and by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. This type of project is therefore part of the aid for recovery and operational excellence through digital transformation. This allows French manufacturers to be supported in this type of investment and to take this first step towards transformation more easily.

Feedback from our customers who have computerized their plants with Qubes